Series FF Stock

Series FF Stock is a hybrid between Common Stock and Preferred Stock, and sometimes issued to founders at the time of incorporation…

Data Page

Drill down on financing trends and data. Review the data Jump to related text 253 reported venture financings Jump to 68 billion information $6.8 billion of invested capital Jump to...

What You Should Know About SAFEs Blog Post

When early stage founders are looking to raise money, they are often choosing between using Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs) or convertible notes. Our clients often ask what the...

NVCA Financing Documents

Click here to use the Cooley GO Docs [glossary_exclude]NVCA[/glossary_exclude] Financing Documents Generator The National Venture Capital Association model venture financing documents are an industry standard for US venture financings. Their...

What You Should Know About Warrants Blog Post

UK review by Ryan Naftulin If you’re negotiating for an equity financing, bridge financing, bank financing, venture debt, or a commercial transaction for your startup, you may be asked to…