What is ESG? A Primer for Startups Blog Post

ESG – or environmental, social and governance – is an umbrella term for a broad range of non-financial factors to evaluate a company’s operations and its resilience and sustainability over…

Preferred Stock

Preferred Stock (like Common Stock) is a security that represents ownership in a corporation. In addition to the ownership interest, Preferred Stock has rights that Common Stock does not.

Option pool

An option pool is a number of shares of stock reserved for issuance to service providers of a company pursuant to options and other equity incentives.

Organizational Meeting

The organizational meeting is an initial meeting in which the basic organizational formalities of the corporation are determined.


Officers of a company have more formal responsibility and authority than rank-and-file employees and are responsible for the management and day-to-day operations of the company.

Duty of Care

The duty of care is one of the fiduciary duties and it is violated when an action is taken or not taken on the basis of inadequate information or without following a reasonable process.

Fiduciary Duties

A person owes another fiduciary duties when that person has control over a financial interest of the other. For example, corporate directors owe fiduciary duties to that corporation’s stockholders.