Vince Sampson
Special Counsel

(enter from 12th and E Streets)
Washington, DC 20004
What I do:
I provide government analytics – the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in information coming from policymakers – to highly regulated public and private sector organizations so that they can navigate, understand and interact with federal agencies and Congress. I put my nearly 20 years of practical experience with legislative and regulatory policy and procedure to work so companies large and small can what they do, only better and smarter.
What my clients value:
Being able to bring clear understanding to the “why” and “how” policy, process and politics will impact a business in any part of its lifecycle.
Why Cooley:
Our deep commitment to entrepreneurs across the business spectrum. We are at a perfect place to communicate the intersection of innovation and public policy.
Before Cooley:
I was president of the Education Finance Council, a business trade association representing organizations that have a mission to make college more affordable for students and families. Before that I held positions as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Counselor for the U.S. Department of Education and Deputy Chief Counsel for the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Resources.
Some of my clients:
2U, Education Finance Council, Knewton
Golf – most of the time, tennis – some of the time, and good political theater – all of the time. What really makes it worth it all are my twin daughters Mila and Sophie and my wonderful and totally a-political wife Nicole.
Great reads:
Wooden on Leadership by John Wooden, The Making of the President 1964 by Theodore White (think, politics at its best), Everyone Was So Young by Amanda Vaill (captures the heart and soul of the Lost Generation)
I root for:
UCLA Bruins and a bunch of “out of market” pro teams!