Scott Weston

500 Boylston Street
14th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02116-3736
What I do:
I counsel companies on patent strategy and offer creative solutions for protecting their intellectual property in a cost effective manner to add enterprise value. I also work with investors (i.e., angel investors, venture capital firms, etc.) to evaluate patent portfolios of target companies, and risks associated with technology commercialization.
Why Cooley:
Responsive, honest, knowledgeable, and decisive. We view our clients as our long-term partners and enjoy celebrating successes, and working through challenging times as a team.
What my clients value:
I am still an engineer at heart, and I am passionate about helping clients protect their intellection property. I take a pragmatic approach to developing an appropriate patent strategy with the management team, and then systematically implement that strategy over the company’s lifecycle so the company is prepared to be subjected to diligence by investors or exit event.
Some of my clients:
24 Technologies (Li-Ion Batteries), Magnolia Medical (Blood Collection Devices), Common Sensing (Drug Compliance), LiquiGlide (Slippery Coatings), NanoXplore (Graphene), Home Tech Innovation (Cooking Robot), Veloxint (Alloys), Roadmap Capital, Rhapsody Venture Partners, Via Separations (Graphene Oxide Membranes), Running Tide Technologies (Oyster Farming), Corumat (Bio-Based Plastics), Braidy Industries (Aluminum Alloys), IHI Energy (Energy Storage Systems), AzzTek (Chemical Sensors)
Spending time with my wife and two kids (Brian and Madeline), traveling, cooking, learning about wine, fishing, hunting, hiking, and just about anything outdoors.
Great reads:
The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Guns of August, The Last Lion, Wine and War, The World Atlas of Wine.
I root for:
University of Michigan … Go Blue!