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Portrait of Ryan Vann

What I do:
I’m a trusted business partner for all manner of human capital solutions – whether it’s hiring the next transformative leader, planning for expansion, buttoning up enforceable agreements, investigating wrongdoing, working through a corporate change, negotiating with a labor union, making hard workforce decisions, or litigating to defend our clients’ interests in labor, restrictive covenants, trade secrets, discrimination or other lawsuits – I’m there for our clients.

Why Cooley?
We understand the nuances of our core client base – the disrupters and problem solvers of the next generation. And we don’t fight internally over who does the work – we get the right person with the right experience for the situation our client is facing, and our firm rewards that behavior.

What my clients value:
We mirror our clients – we’re problem solvers, scrappy and nimble. We’re not what our clients are used to with Big Law firms – we reach practical solutions with efficiency. We have deep and broad experience in most matters a company can face, but if we aren’t the right fit, we’ll help find the most appropriate solution for the situation.

Chasing my kids (Harrison, Henry and Isla) all over the world for soccer games, tournaments and camps (although Madrid and São Paulo far surpass Sylvania, Ohio, and Edwardsburg, Michigan, on my “likes” list!). Going to off-the-beaten-path travel destinations and frustrating my wife (Rachel) with insufficient and spur-of-the-moment plans. Outside of that, hanging with my street pup, Daisy; camping, canoeing and hiking as far out in the woods or mountains as I can get; cycling in embarrassing spandex; and working with my hands on home and outdoor projects that stretch my skill set.

Great reads:
I’ll admit I’m a sucker for cheap, easy, airport bookstore-type thrillers and spy novels. I’ve read pretty much all of the James Patterson, David Baldacci and John Grisham books out there. Lately, I’m loving reading through the Roald Dahl books I grew up on with my daughter, Isla.

I root for:
Overall, fairness, justice, competence, integrity, kindness, empathy and compassion. But in the sports world, I’m an Indiana Hoosiers fan (with name, image, and likeness and the transfer portal wearing on me), a recently converted Chicago Bears fan (well in advance of the bandwagon’s hopefully soon arrival), and a lover of all big-time college and NFL football games. My kids have gotten me into the Premier League and La Liga, but I’ve yet to pick a favorite team.

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