Orion Armon

Denver, CO 80202-2686
What I do:
I help software and electronic companies protect and defend their patents. I also advise on copyright issues. Some of the technologies I’ve recently work in are: wireless medical devices, storage area networks (SANs), malware detection software, SaaS software, database architectures, ERP systems, optical transceivers, and encryption software for streaming television.
Why Cooley:
It’s vital to get into the nitty gritty of a technology when you’re a patent attorney. Cooley attorneys have not just the broader industry knowledge, but a facility with the more specialized and technical knowledge that comes from helping technology companies and entrepreneurs working at the forefront of their industry.
When I’m not being a Cooley lawyer:
I co-created and serve as co-editor of PTAB Digest, an online resource which tracks and analyzes decisions by the U.S. Patent Trial Appeals Board. Many companies are increasingly turning to PTAB to challenge the validity of patents, and we wanted to find a way to keep our clients apprised of key decisions.
Some of my clients:
Facebook, Backflip Studios, Websense, Webroot, Dot Hill Systems, Sotera Wireless.
Skiing and outdoor adventures in the mountains with my kids Pax, Indigo, and Ace. I enjoy taking my running shoes with me when I travel; there’s no better way than running to learn about a new city or to enjoy a city I’ve visited many times.
Great reads: I’m a news junkie and constantly follow national and international news and politics. I can’t get enough of the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, or NPR. I use the news apps on my iPhone more than any other feature.