Oliver Ware

London, UK EC2N 4BQ
What I do:
I help people and businesses in the life sciences sector to protect their intellectual property by securing patent protection for their inventions.
Why Cooley:
We provide expertise across a wide range of both legal and technical fields, as such we can always find a good match between us and our clients.
What my clients value:
That we provide holistic support and guidance on their intellectual property, which places them and their business needs at the center of the advice we give and the work we do.
In the winter I love to snowboard, I’m a follower of many sports and I’m a keen traveler who always wants to see somewhere new. More recently, I have taken my first steps into pottery.
Great reads:
Flowers for Algernon, A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived, anything by Terry Pratchett.
I root for:
West Ham United, Saracens and exciting MotoGP races.