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Portrait of Noah Pittard
in Colorado
114 15th Street Suite 2300
Denver, CO 80202-2686
in Washington, DC
1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC|20004
+1 202 842 7872

What I do:
I help entrepreneurs and investors across the US form and finance emerging technology companies. I have a ton of experience with all aspects of startup company law, with a particularly deep expertise financing and selling companies. I prefer to work out of coffee shops and co-working spaces so I can stay close to my clients and the community generally.

What my clients value:
I was an entrepreneur before becoming a lawyer and so I think about practicing law from a non-standard perspective. I think having started and run companies myself helps me focus on just stuff that matters and translate complicated legal issues into straightforward business choices. While I am a lawyer, I try to maintain a strict t-shirt and jeans dress code. Just like my clients.

Why Cooley?
Cooley has a great platform and talented people. But most importantly, Cooley prizes results and client service above face time and billable hours. This is huge for me.

Some of my clients:
Dispatch Health, GoSpotCheck, Notion, Minute Key, TechStars, PsiKick, NEA, Foundry Group, Cargo, Loftsmart, SelfLender, Corazon Capital, v1 vc, Kokopelli Capital, Eximis Surgical, Astraea, York Space Systems

100 mile trail runs, meditation, black coffee, 85%+ dark chocolate, playing piano, Stance socks, everything Patagonia, Maui Jim sunglasses

Great reads:
Ultra Running magazine, Trail Runner magazine, NYT digital, Harpers magazine, Atlantic magazine, New Yorker magazine and the NTSB Reporter.

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