Babak Yaghmaie

New York, NY 10001-2157
What I do:
I work with entrepreneurs and private and publicly-held emerging growth high technology and life science companies that are changing the world through innovation. My practice ranges from advising a couple of guys, or often gals, with nothing more than a simple powerpoint to publicly listed companies – and everything in between. I also work with some of the country’s most respected venture capitalists and investment banks. I spend my day learning about my clients businesses and advising them on all sorts of day-to-day corporate matters, venture financings and capital formation matters, including IPOs.
What my clients value:
Two words. Experience. Judgment.
Why Cooley?
Working with fast-growing, paradigm-changing companies is part of our DNA. We do it better than any other law firm in the world and we, unlike any other Firm, bring the full breadth and depth of our platform to bear for each and every one of our clients.
Some of my clients:
On the venture side, I work with some of the best funds in the business, including Venrock, Union Square Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, Spark Capital, SoftBank and Rho Ventures. On the company side, I work with companies like MongoDB, Rent the Runway, Cara Therapeutics, Chainalysis, Aquantia, FormulaFolios, Sitetracker, Flow and Stich Fix.
I root for:
Real Madrid and Scuderia Ferrari
I love racing cars and I love Formula 1. I think it goes all the way back to racing my little toy cars around my parents dining room table, while making my own engine rev noises and upshifts – and of course getting admonished for it.
Great reads:
In Our Time and The Sun Also Rises.