What You Should Know About Patents In The UK and Europe Blog Post

Patents provide inventors exclusive rights in their discoveries. Entrepreneurs and investors in the pharmaceutical, life sciences, medical device and many other fields look favourably upon the benefits of patents.

Frequently Asked Questions: Convertible Debt Blog Post

I get questions all the time from clients who haven’t raised convertible debt before. If my clients frequently ask these questions, no doubt there are scores of others who have…

How to Choose Your Corporate Name Blog Post

You’ve done it.  After brainstorming for hours, furiously using Google to search for synonyms or words that rhyme, and running names by friends and family, you’ve finally found the perfect...

Tips for Onboarding Employees to Early-Stage Companies Blog Post

Early-stage companies frequently overlook many fundamental legal needs and issues surrounding the onboarding of service providers.  Here are a few considerations for early-stage companies as they engage workers, and tips...