Outstanding Shares

Outstanding shares (also referred to as issued shares) refers to the number of shares that have been issued and are outstanding at a given time.

Fully Diluted Shares

“Fully diluted” shares are the total common shares of a company counting all currently issued and outstanding, plus shares that could be issued through the conversion of convertible preferred stock or through the exercise of outstanding options and warrants.

FAQ: Delaware Public Benefit Corporations Blog Post

A Delaware public benefit corporation (PBC) is a for-profit corporation intended to produce a public benefit and operate in a responsible and sustainable manner. A PBC must be managed in a way that balances the interests of the stockholders, the company’s key stakeholders, and a specific public benefit that the company commits to in its charter.

What You Should Know About SAFEs Blog Post

When early stage founders are looking to raise money, they are often choosing between using Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs) or convertible notes. Our clients often ask what the...

Super Voting Stock: What is it and how can I get it? Blog Post

Very often founders raise the concern about protecting against dilution.  Specifically, they are concerned that, as they grow their business and issue stock to investors, employees, and advisors, their shares,…